Source code for highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt

import os
from typing import Optional, List

    from dotenv import load_dotenv
except ImportError:

from validator_collection import validators, checkers

    import asana
    HAS_ASANA = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_ASANA = False
  import jira
  HAS_JIRA = True
except ImportError:
  HAS_JIRA = False

from highcharts_core.options.series.base import SeriesBase

from highcharts_gantt import errors, monday
from highcharts_gantt.options.plot_options.gantt import GanttOptions
from import GanttData, GanttDataCollection
from highcharts_gantt.utility_functions import mro__to_untrimmed_dict, is_ndarray

[docs]class GanttSeries(SeriesBase, GanttOptions): """Options to configure a Gantt series. Gantt charts are a type of chart used to visualize efforts executed in a sequence. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def data(self) -> Optional[List[GanttData] | GanttDataCollection]: """Collection of data that represents the series. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. While the series type returns a collection of :class:`GanttData` instances, it accepts as input an iterable of :class:`GanttData` instances or :class:`dict <python:dict>` instances that can be coerced to :class:`GanttData`. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`GanttData` or :class:`GanttDataCollection` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value): if not is_ndarray(value) and not value: self._data = None else: self._data = GanttData.from_array(value) @classmethod def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict): kwargs = { 'accessibility': as_dict.get('accessibility', None), 'allow_point_select': as_dict.get('allowPointSelect', None), 'animation': as_dict.get('animation', None), 'class_name': as_dict.get('className', None), 'clip': as_dict.get('clip', None), 'color': as_dict.get('color', None), 'cursor': as_dict.get('cursor', None), 'custom': as_dict.get('custom', None), 'dash_style': as_dict.get('dashStyle', None), 'data_labels': as_dict.get('dataLabels', None), 'description': as_dict.get('description', None), 'enable_mouse_tracking': as_dict.get('enableMouseTracking', None), 'events': as_dict.get('events', None), 'include_in_data_export': as_dict.get('includeInDataExport', None), 'keys': as_dict.get('keys', None), 'label': as_dict.get('label', None), 'legend_symbol': as_dict.get('legendSymbol', None), 'linked_to': as_dict.get('linkedTo', None), 'marker': as_dict.get('marker', None), 'on_point': as_dict.get('onPoint', None), 'opacity': as_dict.get('opacity', None), 'point': as_dict.get('point', None), 'point_description_formatter': as_dict.get('pointDescriptionFormatter', None), 'selected': as_dict.get('selected', None), 'show_checkbox': as_dict.get('showCheckbox', None), 'show_in_legend': as_dict.get('showInLegend', None), 'skip_keyboard_navigation': as_dict.get('skipKeyboardNavigation', None), 'states': as_dict.get('states', None), 'sticky_tracking': as_dict.get('stickyTracking', None), 'threshold': as_dict.get('threshold', None), 'tooltip': as_dict.get('tooltip', None), 'turbo_threshold': as_dict.get('turboThreshold', None), 'visible': as_dict.get('visible', None), 'animation_limit': as_dict.get('animationLimit', None), 'boost_blending': as_dict.get('boostBlending', None), 'boost_threshold': as_dict.get('boostThreshold', None), 'color_axis': as_dict.get('colorAxis', None), 'color_index': as_dict.get('colorIndex', None), 'color_key': as_dict.get('colorKey', None), 'connect_ends': as_dict.get('connectEnds', None), 'connect_nulls': as_dict.get('connectNulls', None), 'crisp': as_dict.get('crisp', None), 'crop_threshold': as_dict.get('cropThreshold', None), 'data_sorting': as_dict.get('dataSorting', None), 'drag_drop': as_dict.get('dragDrop', None), 'fill_color': as_dict.get('fillColor', None), 'fill_opacity': as_dict.get('fillOpacity', None), 'find_nearest_point_by': as_dict.get('findNearestPointBy', None), 'get_extremes_from_all': as_dict.get('getExtremesFromAll', None), 'inactive_other_points': as_dict.get('inactiveOtherPoints', None), 'linecap': as_dict.get('linecap', None), 'line_color': as_dict.get('lineColor', None), 'line_width': as_dict.get('lineWidth', None), 'negative_color': as_dict.get('negativeColor', None), 'negative_fill_color': as_dict.get('negativeFillColor', None), 'point_interval': as_dict.get('pointInterval', None), 'point_interval_unit': as_dict.get('pointIntervalUnit', None), 'point_placement': as_dict.get('pointPlacement', None), 'point_start': as_dict.get('pointStart', None), 'relative_x_value': as_dict.get('relativeXValue', None), 'shadow': as_dict.get('shadow', None), 'soft_threshold': as_dict.get('softThreshold', None), 'stacking': as_dict.get('stacking', None), 'step': as_dict.get('step', None), 'track_by_area': as_dict.get('trackByArea', None), 'zone_axis': as_dict.get('zoneAxis', None), 'zones': as_dict.get('zones', None), 'border_color': as_dict.get('borderColor', None), 'border_radius': as_dict.get('borderRadius', None), 'border_width': as_dict.get('borderWidth', None), 'center_in_category': as_dict.get('centerInCategory', None), 'color_by_point': as_dict.get('colorByPoint', None), 'colors': as_dict.get('colors', None), 'grouping': as_dict.get('grouping', None), 'group_padding': as_dict.get('groupPadding', None), 'max_point_width': as_dict.get('maxPointWidth', None), 'min_point_length': as_dict.get('minPointLength', None), 'point_padding': as_dict.get('pointPadding', None), 'point_range': as_dict.get('pointRange', None), 'point_width': as_dict.get('pointWidth', None), 'group_z_padding': as_dict.get('groupZPadding', None), 'partial_fill': as_dict.get('partialFill', None), 'data_as_columns': as_dict.get('dataAsColumns', None), 'data': as_dict.get('data', None), 'id': as_dict.get('id', None), 'index': as_dict.get('index', None), 'legend_index': as_dict.get('legendIndex', None), 'name': as_dict.get('name', None), 'z_index': as_dict.get('zIndex', None), 'connectors': as_dict.get('connectors', None), } return kwargs def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict: untrimmed = mro__to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = in_cls) return untrimmed
[docs] def load_from_asana(self, project_gid, section_gid = None, completed_since = None, use_html_description = True, personal_access_token = None, asana_client = None, api_request_params = None, connection_kwargs = None, connection_callback = None): """Replace the data in the :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` instance with data from an `Asana <>`__ project. .. note:: **Highcharts Gantt for Python** can create an Asana API client for you, authenticating using the :term:`Personal Access Token` method supported by the Asana API. However, if you wish to use the more-involved OAuth2 handshake process you will need to create your own Asana API client using the `asana-python <>`__ library. The reason for this is because the OAuth2 handshake has various permutations involving redirects, token refreshes, etc. which are outside the scope of the **Highcharts Gantt for Python** library, and if you are integrating **Highcharts Gantt for Python** into a larger application you are likely already facilitating the OAuth2 dance in a fashion appropriate for your use case. :param project_gid: The globally unique ID of the Project whose tasks should be used to assemble the Gantt series. .. tip:: You can find your Asana Project GID in your browser URL bar: .. figure:: /_static/asana-project-gid.png :align: center :alt: Asana Project GID :type project_gid: :class:`str <python:str>` :param section_gid: The optional unique ID of the section whose tasks should be used to assemble the Gantt chart. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which returns all tasks in the project. :type section_gid: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param completed_since: An optional filter which only returns tasks that have been completed after this date. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which returns all tasks. :type completed_since: :class:`datetime <python:datetime.datetime>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param use_html_description: If ``True``, will use the Asana task's HTML notes in the data point's :meth:`.description <>` field. If ``False``, will use the non-HTML notes. Defaults to ``True``. :type use_html_description: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param personal_access_token: A Personal Access Token created by Asana. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which tries to determine its value by looking in the ``ASANA_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN`` environment variable. :type personal_access_token: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param api_request_params: Collection of additional request parameters to submit to the Asana API. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type api_request_params: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param connection_kwargs: Set of keyword arugments to supply to the :class:`DataConnection <>` constructor, besides the :meth:`.to <>` property which is derived from the task. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type connection_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param connection_callback: A custom Python function or method which accepts two keyword arguments: ``connection_target`` (which expects the dependency :class:`dict <python:dict>` object from the Asana task), and ``asana_task`` (which expects the Asana task :class:`dict <pythoN:dict>` object). The function should return a :class:`DataConnection <>` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` .. tip:: The ``connection_callback`` argument is useful if you want to customize the connection styling based on properties included in the Asana task. :type connection_callback: Callable or :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: A :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` populated with data from the indicated Asana project/section. :rtype: :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` :raises HighchartsDependencyError: if the `asana <>`__ Python library is not available in the runtime environment. :raises HighchartsValueError: if ``connection_callback`` is not :obj:`None <python:None>`, but is not callable :raises HighchartsValueError: if ``asana_client`` is not :obj:`None <python:None>`, but is not a valid :class:`asana.client.Client>` instance :raises AsanaAuthenticationError: if ``asana_client`` is not authenticated or if no personal access token is supplied """ if not HAS_ASANA: raise errors.HighchartsDependencyError('The .from_asana() method requires ' 'the asana Python library. However ' 'your runtime environment does not ' 'seem to have it. Please install and' ' try again.') project_gid = validators.string(project_gid, coerce_value = True) section_gid = validators.string(section_gid, allow_empty = True, coerce_value = True) completed_since = validators.datetime(completed_since, allow_empty = True) api_request_params = validators.dict(api_request_params, allow_empty = True) or {} if not personal_access_token: personal_access_token = os.getenv('ASANA_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN', None) if asana_client and not isinstance(asana_client, asana.client.Client): raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'asana_client must be a valid asana ' f'Client instance. Was: ' f'{asana_client.__class__.__name__}') if asana_client and not asana_client.session.token: raise errors.AsanaAuthenticationError('asana_client is not authenticated') if asana_client: client = asana_client elif not personal_access_token: raise errors.AsanaAuthenticationError('from_asana() requires either a ' 'personal access token or an ' 'authenticated Asana client. ' 'Neither was supplied.') else: client = asana.Client.access_token(personal_access_token) client.LOG_ASANA_CHANGE_WARNINGS = False if section_gid: request = client.tasks.get_tasks_for_section request_params = { 'section_gid': section_gid } else: request = client.tasks.get_tasks_for_project request_params = { 'project_gid': project_gid } request_params['params'] = {} if completed_since: request_params['params']['completed_since'] = completed_since.isoformat() opt_fields = ['approval_status', 'assignee_status', 'completed', 'completed_at', 'dependencies', 'dependents', 'due_at', 'due_on', 'html_notes', 'name', 'notes', 'start_at', 'start_on', 'assignee', 'assignee_section', 'parent', 'permalink_url', 'custom_fields', 'resource_type', 'resource_subtype'] request_params['params']['opt_fields'] = opt_fields for key in request_params: api_request_params[key] = request_params[key] try: tasks = [x for x in request(**api_request_params)] except asana.error.NoAuthorizationError: raise errors.AsanaAuthenticationError('the authentication method supplied returned as unauthorized') data_points = [GanttData.from_asana(x, use_html_description = use_html_description, connection_callback = connection_callback, connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs) for x in tasks] = data_points
[docs] @classmethod def from_asana(cls, project_gid, section_gid = None, completed_since = None, use_html_description = True, personal_access_token = None, asana_client = None, api_request_params = None, connection_kwargs = None, connection_callback = None, series_kwargs = None): """Create a :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` instance from an `Asana <>`__ project. .. note:: **Highcharts Gantt for Python** can create an Asana API client for you, authenticating using the :term:`Personal Access Token` method supported by the Asana API. However, if you wish to use the more-involved OAuth2 handshake process you will need to create your own Asana API client using the `asana-python <>`__ library. The reason for this is because the OAuth2 handshake has various permutations involving redirects, token refreshes, etc. which are outside the scope of the **Highcharts Gantt for Python** library, and if you are integrating **Highcharts Gantt for Python** into a larger application you are likely already facilitating the OAuth2 dance in a fashion appropriate for your use case. :param project_gid: The globally unique ID of the Project whose tasks should be used to assemble the Gantt chart. .. tip:: You can find your Asana Project GID in your browser URL bar: .. figure:: /_static/asana-project-gid.png :align: center :alt: Asana Project GID :type project_gid: :class:`str <python:str>` :param section_gid: The optional unique ID of the section whose tasks should be used to assemble the Gantt chart. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which returns all tasks in the project. :type section_gid: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param completed_since: An optional filter which only returns tasks that have been completed after this date. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which returns all tasks. :type completed_since: :class:`datetime <python:datetime.datetime>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param use_html_description: If ``True``, will use the Asana task's HTML notes in the data point's :meth:`.description <>` field. If ``False``, will use the non-HTML notes. Defaults to ``True``. :type use_html_description: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param personal_access_token: A Personal Access Token created by Asana. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which tries to determine its value by looking in the ``ASANA_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN`` environment variable. :type personal_access_token: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param api_request_params: Collection of additional request parameters to submit to the Asana API. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type api_request_params: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param connection_kwargs: Set of keyword arugments to supply to the :class:`DataConnection <>` constructor, besides the :meth:`.to <>` property which is derived from the task. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type connection_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param connection_callback: A custom Python function or method which accepts two keyword arguments: ``connection_target`` (which expects the dependency :class:`dict <python:dict>` object from the Asana task), and ``asana_task`` (which expects the Asana task :class:`dict <pythoN:dict>` object). The function should return a :class:`DataConnection <>` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` .. tip:: The ``connection_callback`` argument is useful if you want to customize the connection styling based on properties included in the Asana task. :type connection_callback: Callable or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param series_kwargs: Collection of additional keyword arguments to use when instantiating the :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.GanttSeries>` (besides the ``data`` argument, which will be determined from the Asana tasks). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type series_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: A :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` populated with data from the indicated Asana project/section. :rtype: :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` :raises HighchartsDependencyError: if the `asana <>`__ Python library is not available in the runtime environment. :raises HighchartsValueError: if ``connection_callback`` is not :obj:`None <python:None>`, but is not callable :raises HighchartsValueError: if ``asana_client`` is not :obj:`None <python:None>`, but is not a valid :class:`asana.client.Client>` instance :raises AsanaAuthenticationError: if ``asana_client`` is not authenticated or if no personal access token is supplied """ series_kwargs = validators.dict(series_kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} instance = cls(**series_kwargs) instance.load_from_asana(project_gid, section_gid = section_gid, completed_since = completed_since, use_html_description = use_html_description, personal_access_token = personal_access_token, asana_client = asana_client, api_request_params = api_request_params, connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs, connection_callback = connection_callback) return instance
[docs] def load_from_monday(self, board_id, api_token = None, template = None, property_column_map = None, connection_kwargs = None, connection_callback = None): """Update the :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` instance with data from a ` <>`__ work board. :param board_id: The ID of the board whose items should be retrieved to populate the Gantt series. .. tip:: You can find your Asana Project GID in your browser URL bar: .. figure:: /_static/monday-board-id.png :align: center :alt: Board ID :type board_id: :class:`int <python:int>` :param api_token: The API token to use when authenticating your request against the API. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which will then try to determine the token from the ``MONDAY_API_TOKEN`` environment variable. .. warning:: If no token is either passed to the method *or* found in the ``MONDAY_API_TOKEN`` environment variable, calling this method will raise an error. :type api_token: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param template: The name of a standard board template supported by **Highcharts for Python**. If supplied, will override the ``property_column_map`` argument. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: If ``property_column_map`` is set, the ``template`` argument will be *ignored* and overridden by ``property_column_map``. :type template: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param property_column_map: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` used to map columns to their corresponding :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` properties. Keys are expected to be :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` properties, while values are expected to be column field names. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: If ``property_column_map`` is supplied, its settings *override* the ``template`` setting. :type property_column_map: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param connection_kwargs: Set of keyword arugments to supply to the :class:`DataConnection <>` constructor, besides the :meth:`.to <>` property which is derived from the task. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type connection_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param connection_callback: A custom Python function or method which accepts two keyword arguments: ``connection_target`` (which expects the dependency :class:`dict <python:dict>` object from the Asana task), and ``asana_task`` (which expects the Asana task :class:`dict <pythoN:dict>` object). The function should return a :class:`DataConnection <>` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` .. tip:: The ``connection_callback`` argument is useful if you want to customize the connection styling based on properties included in the Asana task. :type connection_callback: Callable or :obj:`None <python:None>` :raises HighchartsDependencyError: if the `monday <>`__ Python library is not available in the runtime environment :raises MondayAuthenticationError: if there is no API token supplied :raises HighchartsValueError: if both ``template`` and ``property_column_map`` are empty """ tasks = monday.get_tasks(board_id, api_token = api_token) data_points = [GanttData.from_monday(tasks[x], template = template, property_column_map = property_column_map, connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs, connection_callback = connection_callback) for x in tasks] = data_points
[docs] @classmethod def from_monday(cls, board_id, api_token = None, template = None, property_column_map = None, connection_kwargs = None, connection_callback = None, series_kwargs = None): """Create a :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` instance from a ` <>`__ work board. :param board_id: The ID of the board whose items should be retrieved to populate the Gantt series. .. tip:: You can find your Asana Project GID in your browser URL bar: .. figure:: /_static/monday-board-id.png :align: center :alt: Board ID :type board_id: :class:`int <python:int>` :param api_token: The API token to use when authenticating your request against the API. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which will then try to determine the token from the ``MONDAY_API_TOKEN`` environment variable. .. warning:: If no token is either passed to the method *or* found in the ``MONDAY_API_TOKEN`` environment variable, calling this method will raise an error. :type api_token: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param template: The name of a standard board template supported by **Highcharts for Python**. If supplied, will override the ``property_column_map`` argument. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: If ``property_column_map`` is set, the ``template`` argument will be *ignored* and overridden by ``property_column_map``. :type template: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param property_column_map: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` used to map columns to their corresponding :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` properties. Keys are expected to be :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` properties, while values are expected to be column field names. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: If ``property_column_map`` is supplied, its settings *override* the ``template`` setting. :type property_column_map: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param connection_kwargs: Set of keyword arugments to supply to the :class:`DataConnection <>` constructor, besides the :meth:`.to <>` property which is derived from the task. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type connection_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param connection_callback: A custom Python function or method which accepts two keyword arguments: ``connection_target`` (which expects the dependency :class:`dict <python:dict>` object from the Asana task), and ``asana_task`` (which expects the Asana task :class:`dict <pythoN:dict>` object). The function should return a :class:`DataConnection <>` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` .. tip:: The ``connection_callback`` argument is useful if you want to customize the connection styling based on properties included in the Asana task. :type connection_callback: Callable or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param series_kwargs: Collection of additional keyword arguments to use when instantiating the :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.GanttSeries>` (besides the ``data`` argument, which will be determined from the Asana tasks). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type series_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: A :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` populated with data from the indicated Asana project/section. :rtype: :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` :raises HighchartsDependencyError: if the `monday <>`__ Python library is not available in the runtime environment :raises MondayAuthenticationError: if there is no API token supplied :raises HighchartsValueError: if both ``template`` and ``property_column_map`` are empty """ series_kwargs = validators.dict(series_kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} tasks = monday.get_tasks(board_id, api_token = api_token) data_points = [GanttData.from_monday(tasks[x], template = template, property_column_map = property_column_map, connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs, connection_callback = connection_callback) for x in tasks] instance = cls(**series_kwargs) = data_points return instance
[docs] def load_from_jira(self, project_key, server = None, jql = None, username = None, password_or_token = None, oauth_dict = None, client_kwargs = None, jira_client = None, connection_kwargs = None, connection_callback = None): """Update the :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` instance with data from an `Atlassian JIRA <>`__ project. .. note:: **Highcharts Gantt for Python** can create a JIRA API client for you, authenticating using either the :term:`Basic Authentication` or :term:`Access Token` methods supported by the JIRA API. However, if you wish to use the more-involved OAuth2 handshake, you can do so yourself and either * supply an ``oauth_dict`` argument containing the OAuth2 configuration details, or * supply a fully-authenticated ``jira_client`` The reason for this is because the OAuth2 handshake has various permutations involving redirects, token refreshes, etc. which are outside the scope of the **Highcharts Gantt for Python** library, and if you are integrating **Highcharts Gantt for Python** into a larger application you are likely already facilitating the OAuth2 dance in a fashion appropriate for your use case. :param project_key: The globally unique key of the Project whose tasks should be used to assemble the Gantt chart. For example, ``JRA``. :type project_key: :class:`str <python:str>` :param server: The URL of the JIRA instance from which data should be retrieved. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which looks for a value in the ``HIGHCHARTS_JIRA_SERVER`` environment variable. If no value is found there, will then fallback to JIRA Cloud: ``''``. .. note:: This argument will override the comparable setting in ``client_kwargs`` if ``client_kwargs`` is supplied. :type server: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param jql: An optional :term:`JIRA Query Language` query string to further narrow the issues returned from JIRA. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type jql: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param username: The username to use when authenticating using either ``basic`` or ``token`` authentication. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which looks for a value in the ``HIGHCHARTS_JIRA_USERNAME`` environment variable. .. note:: If ``oauth2_dict`` is supplied, the ``username`` argument will be ignored since OAuth2 authentication will be used. :type username: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param password_or_token: The password or access token to use when authenticating using either ``basic`` or ``token`` authentication. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which looks for a vlaue in the ``HIGHCHARTS_JIRA_TOKEN`` environment variable. .. note:: If ``oauth_dict`` is supplied, the ``password_or_token`` will be ignored since OAuth2 authentication will be used. :type password_or_token: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param oauth_dict: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` of key/value pairs providing configuration of the Oauth2 authentication details. Expected keys are: * ``'access_token'`` * ``'access_token_secret'`` * ``'consumer_key'`` * ``'key_cert'`` Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: To use OAuth2 authentication, an ``oauth_dict`` *must* be supplied. If you wish to force either basic or token authentication, make sure this argument remains :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type oauth_dict: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param client_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` providing keyword arguments to use when instantiating the JIRA client. :type client_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param jira_client: A fully-configured and fully-authenticated JIRA API client. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type jira_client: :class:`jira.client.JIRA <jira:jira.client.JIRA>` instance that has been fully authenticated :param connection_kwargs: Set of keyword arugments to supply to the :class:`DataConnection <>` constructor, besides the :meth:`.to <>` property which is derived from the task. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type connection_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param connection_callback: A custom Python function or method which accepts two keyword arguments: ``connection_target`` (which expects the dependency :class:`Issue <jira:jira.resources.Issue>` object from the initial :class:`Issue <jira:jira.resources.Issue>`), and ``issue`` (which expects the initial :class:`Issue <jira:jira.resources.Issue>` object). The function should return a :class:`DataConnection <>` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. tip:: The ``connection_callback`` argument is useful if you want to customize the connection styling based on properties included in the target issue. :type connection_callback: Callable or :obj:`None <python:None>` :raises HighchartsDependencyError: if the `jira <>`__ Python library is not available in the runtime environment. :raises JIRAAuthenticationError: if no authentication details are provided or if the authentication process fails :raises JIRAProjectNotFoundError: if the ``project_key`` is not found in the JIRA ``server`` indicated .. tip:: This can happen if authentication fails silently, which can happen when using the JIRA Cloud environment. :raises HighchartsValueError: if other keyword arguments are misconfigured """ if not HAS_JIRA: raise errors.HighchartsDependencyError('The .from_jira() method depends ' 'on the jira Python library. This ' 'library was not found in the ' 'runtime environment. Please install' ' and try again.') if not jira_client: client_kwargs = validators.dict(client_kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} if not server: server = os.getenv('HIGHCHARTS_JIRA_SERVER', client_kwargs.get('server', '')) client_kwargs['server'] = validators.url(server, allow_special_ips = True) project_key = validators.string(project_key) username = validators.string(username, allow_empty = True) \ or os.getenv('HIGHCHARTS_JIRA_USERNAME', None) password_or_token = validators.string(password_or_token, allow_empty = True) \ or os.getenv('HIGHCHARTS_JIRA_TOKEN', None) use_basic = oauth_dict is None and username is not None use_token = oauth_dict is None and username is None if use_basic: client_kwargs['basic_auth'] = (username, password_or_token) elif use_token: client_kwargs['token_auth'] = password_or_token elif oauth_dict is not None: client_kwargs['oauth'] = validators.dict(oauth_dict, allow_empty = False) else: raise errors.JIRAAuthenticationError('no authentication details ' 'provided') try: jira_client = jira.JIRA(**client_kwargs) except jira.JIRAError as error: if error.status_code == 401: raise errors.JIRAAuthenticationError('JIRA failed to authenticate') else: raise error else: if not isinstance(jira_client, jira.client.JIRA): raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'jira_client must be a valid ' f'jira.client.JIRA instance. Was: ' f'{jira_client.__class__.__name__}') if not jira_client._session: raise errors.JIRAAuthenticationError('jira_client is not authenticated') if jql and f'project = {project_key}' not in jql and f'project={project_key}' not in jql: raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'jql contains a project reference ' f'that does not match project_key ' f'("{project_key}").') elif not jql: jql = f'project = {project_key}' try: issues = jira_client.search_issues(jql) except jira.JIRAError as error: if error.status_code == 400: raise errors.JIRAProjectNotFoundError(f'No JIRA project with key "{project_key}" ' f'was found. Note that this may be because ' f'your authentication failed silently, ' f'a common issue when using JIRA Cloud.') else: raise error if > len(issues): issues.extend(jira_client.search_issues(jql, startAt = len(issues))) data_points_with_none = [ GanttData.from_jira(x, connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs, connection_callback = connection_callback) for x in issues ] data_points = [x for x in data_points_with_none if x is not None] = data_points
[docs] @classmethod def from_jira(cls, project_key, server = None, jql = None, username = None, password_or_token = None, oauth_dict = None, client_kwargs = None, jira_client = None, connection_kwargs = None, connection_callback = None, series_kwargs = None): """Create a :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` instance from an `Atlassian JIRA <>`__ project. .. note:: **Highcharts Gantt for Python** can create a JIRA API client for you, authenticating using either the :term:`Basic Authentication` or :term:`Access Token` methods supported by the JIRA API. However, if you wish to use the more-involved OAuth2 handshake, you can do so yourself and either * supply an ``oauth_dict`` argument containing the OAuth2 configuration details, or * supply a fully-authenticated ``jira_client`` The reason for this is because the OAuth2 handshake has various permutations involving redirects, token refreshes, etc. which are outside the scope of the **Highcharts Gantt for Python** library, and if you are integrating **Highcharts Gantt for Python** into a larger application you are likely already facilitating the OAuth2 dance in a fashion appropriate for your use case. :param project_key: The globally unique key of the Project whose tasks should be used to assemble the Gantt chart. For example, ``JRA``. :type project_key: :class:`str <python:str>` :param server: The URL of the JIRA instance from which data should be retrieved. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which looks for a value in the ``HIGHCHARTS_JIRA_SERVER`` environment variable. If no value is found there, will then fallback to JIRA Cloud: ``''``. .. note:: This argument will override the comparable setting in ``client_kwargs`` if ``client_kwargs`` is supplied. :type server: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param jql: An optional :term:`JIRA Query Language` query string to further narrow the issues returned from JIRA. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type jql: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param username: The username to use when authenticating using either ``basic`` or ``token`` authentication. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which looks for a value in the ``HIGHCHARTS_JIRA_USERNAME`` environment variable. .. note:: If ``oauth2_dict`` is supplied, the ``username`` argument will be ignored since OAuth2 authentication will be used. :type username: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param password_or_token: The password or access token to use when authenticating using either ``basic`` or ``token`` authentication. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which looks for a vlaue in the ``HIGHCHARTS_JIRA_TOKEN`` environment variable. .. note:: If ``oauth_dict`` is supplied, the ``password_or_token`` will be ignored since OAuth2 authentication will be used. :type password_or_token: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param oauth_dict: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` of key/value pairs providing configuration of the Oauth2 authentication details. Expected keys are: * ``'access_token'`` * ``'access_token_secret'`` * ``'consumer_key'`` * ``'key_cert'`` Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: To use OAuth2 authentication, an ``oauth_dict`` *must* be supplied. If you wish to force either basic or token authentication, make sure this argument remains :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type oauth_dict: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param client_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` providing keyword arguments to use when instantiating the JIRA client. :type client_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param jira_client: A fully-configured and fully-authenticated JIRA API client. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type jira_client: :class:`jira.client.JIRA <jira:jira.client.JIRA>` instance that has been fully authenticated :param connection_kwargs: Set of keyword arugments to supply to the :class:`DataConnection <>` constructor, besides the :meth:`.to <>` property which is derived from the task. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type connection_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param connection_callback: A custom Python function or method which accepts two keyword arguments: ``connection_target`` (which expects the dependency :class:`Issue <jira:jira.resources.Issue>` object from the initial :class:`Issue <jira:jira.resources.Issue>`), and ``issue`` (which expects the initial :class:`Issue <jira:jira.resources.Issue>` object). The function should return a :class:`DataConnection <>` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. tip:: The ``connection_callback`` argument is useful if you want to customize the connection styling based on properties included in the target issue. :type connection_callback: Callable or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param series_kwargs: Collection of additional keyword arguments to use when instantiating the :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.GanttSeries>` (besides the ``data`` argument, which will be determined from the JIRA issues). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type series_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: A : class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` populated with data from the indicated JIRA project. :rtype: :class:`GanttSeries <highcharts_gantt.options.series.gantt.GanttSeries>` :raises HighchartsDependencyError: if the `jira <>`__ Python library is not available in the runtime environment. :raises JIRAAuthenticationError: if no authentication details are provided or if the authentication process fails :raises JIRAProjectNotFoundError: if the ``project_key`` is not found in the JIRA ``server`` indicated .. tip:: This can happen if authentication fails silently, which can happen when using the JIRA Cloud environment. :raises HighchartsValueError: if other keyword arguments are misconfigured """ series_kwargs = validators.dict(series_kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} instance = cls(**series_kwargs) instance.load_from_jira(project_key = project_key, server = server, jql = jql, username = username, password_or_token = password_or_token, oauth_dict = oauth_dict, client_kwargs = client_kwargs, jira_client = jira_client, connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs, connection_callback = connection_callback) return instance
@classmethod def _data_collection_class(cls): """Returns the class object used for the data collection. :rtype: :class:`DataPointCollection <>` descendent """ return GanttDataCollection @classmethod def _data_point_class(cls): """Returns the class object used for individual data points. :rtype: :class:`DataBase <>` descendent """ return GanttData