Source code for highcharts_core.chart

from typing import Optional
from collections import UserDict

from validator_collection import validators, checkers

from highcharts_core import constants, errors, utility_functions
from highcharts_core.decorators import class_sensitive, validate_types
from highcharts_core.metaclasses import HighchartsMeta
from highcharts_core.options import HighchartsOptions
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.javascript_functions import CallbackFunction
from highcharts_core.js_literal_functions import serialize_to_js_literal
from highcharts_core.headless_export import ExportServer
from highcharts_core.options.series.series_generator import create_series_obj, SERIES_CLASSES
from highcharts_core.global_options.shared_options import SharedOptions

class Chart(HighchartsMeta):
    """Python representation of a Highcharts ``Chart`` object."""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._callback = None
        self._container = None
        self._options = None
        self._variable_name = None

        self._random_slug = {}

        self.callback = kwargs.get('callback', None)
        self.container = kwargs.get('container', None)
        self.options = kwargs.get('options', None)
        self.variable_name = kwargs.get('variable_name', None)


    def _jupyter_include_scripts(self):
        """Return the JavaScript code that is used to load the Highcharts JS libraries.

        .. note::

          Currently includes *all* `Highcharts JS <>`_ modules
          in the HTML. This issue will be addressed when roadmap issue :issue:`2` is

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`
        js_str = ''
        for item in constants.INCLUDE_LIBS:
            js_str += utility_functions.jupyter_add_script(item)
            js_str += """.then(() => {"""

        for item in constants.INCLUDE_LIBS:
            js_str += """});"""

        return js_str

    def _jupyter_javascript(self, 
                            global_options = None, 
                            container = None,
                            random_slug = None,
                            retries = 3,
                            interval = 1000):
        """Return the JavaScript code which Jupyter Labs will need to render the chart.

        :param global_options: The :term:`shared options` to use when rendering the chart.
          Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`
        :type global_options: :class:`SharedOptions <highcharts_stock.global_options.shared_options.SharedOptions>`
          or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        :param container: The ID to apply to the HTML container when rendered in Jupyter Labs. Defaults to
          :obj:`None <python:None>`, which applies the :meth:`.container <highcharts_core.chart.Chart.container>` 
          property if set, and ``'highcharts_target_div'`` if not set.
        :type container: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        :param random_slug: The random sequence of characters to append to the container name to ensure uniqueness.
          Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`
        :type random_slug: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        :param retries: The number of times to retry rendering the chart. Used to avoid race conditions with the 
          Highcharts script. Defaults to 3.
        :type retries: :class:`int <python:int>`
        :param interval: The number of milliseconds to wait between retrying rendering the chart. Defaults to 1000 (1 
        :type interval: :class:`int <python:int>`

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`
        original_container = self.container
        new_container = container or self.container or 'highcharts_target_div'
        if not random_slug:
            self.container = new_container
            self.container = f'{new_container}_{random_slug}'
        if global_options is not None:
            global_options = validate_types(global_options,
                                            types = SharedOptions)

        js_str = ''
        js_str += utility_functions.get_retryHighcharts()
        if global_options:
            js_str += '\n' + utility_functions.prep_js_for_jupyter(global_options.to_js_literal()) + '\n'

        js_str += utility_functions.prep_js_for_jupyter(self.to_js_literal(),
                                                        container = self.container,
                                                        random_slug = random_slug,
                                                        retries = retries,
                                                        interval = interval)

        self.container = original_container

        return js_str

    def _jupyter_container_html(self,
                                container = None,
                                random_slug = None):
        """Returns the Jupyter Labs HTML container for rendering the chart in Jupyter Labs context.

        :param container: The ID to apply to the HTML container when rendered in Jupyter Labs. Defaults to
          :obj:`None <python:None>`, which applies the :meth:`.container <highcharts_core.chart.Chart.container>` 
          property if set, and ``'highcharts_target_div'`` if not set.
        :type container: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`

        :param random_slug: The random sequence of characters to append to the container/function name to ensure 
          uniqueness. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`
        :type random_slug: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`
        if self.options.chart:
            height = self.options.chart.height or 400
            height = 400

        container = container or self.container or 'highcharts_target_div'
        if random_slug:
            container = f'{container}_{random_slug}'

        container_str = f"""<div id=\"{container}\" style=\"width:100%; height:{height};\"></div>\n"""

        return container_str

    def _repr_html_(self):
        """Produce the HTML representation of the chart.

        .. note::

          Currently includes *all* `Highcharts JS <>`_ modules
          in the HTML. This issue will be addressed when roadmap issue :issue:`2` is

        :returns: The HTML representation of the chart.
        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`
        return self.display()

    def callback(self) -> Optional[CallbackFunction]:
        """A (JavaScript) function that is run when the chart has loaded and all external
        images have been loaded. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.

        .. note::

          Setting this proprety is equivalent to setting a value for
          :meth:` <>`

        :rtype: :class:`CallbackFunction` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._callback

    def callback(self, value):
        self._callback = value

    def options(self) -> Optional[HighchartsOptions]:
        """The Python representation of the `Highcharts <>`_
        ``options`` `configuration object <>`_
        Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.

        :rtype: :class:`HighchartsOptions` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._options

    def options(self, value):
        if not value:
            self._options = None
        elif isinstance(value, SharedOptions):
            raise errors.HighchartsValueError('Chart.options expects a HighchartsOptions instance '
                                              'or a valid descendent. However, the value you supplied '
                                              'is a SharedOptions instance, which wil a descendent is not '
                                              'valid for this parameter.')
            value = validate_types(value,
                                   types = HighchartsOptions)

        self._options = value

    def container(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """The ``id`` of the ``<div>`` element in which your Highcharts chart should be
        rendered. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        if self._container:
            return self._container

        if self.options and self.options.chart and self.options.chart.render_to:
            return self.options.chart.render_to

        return None

    def container(self, value):
        self._container = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)

    def variable_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """The name given to the (JavaScript) variable to which the (JavaScript) Chart
        instance wil be assigned. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.

        .. note::

          When the :class:`Chart` object is converted to JavaScript code, the
          (JavaScript) chart instance is assigned to a variable in your JavaScript code.
          In the example code below, the Chart instance is assigned to a ``variable_name``
          of ``chart1``:

          .. code-block:: javascript

            var chart1 = Highcharts.Chart('myTargetDiv', {});

        .. warning::

          If :obj:`None <python:None>`, when converted to a JavaScript literal, the
          :class:`Chart` instance will simply not be assigned to a variable.

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._variable_name

    def variable_name(self, value):
        self._variable_name = validators.variable_name(value, allow_empty = True)

    def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
        kwargs = {
            'callback': as_dict.get('callback', None),
            'container': as_dict.get('container', None) or as_dict.get('renderTo', None),
            'options': as_dict.get('options', None) or as_dict.get('userOptions', None),
            'variable_name': as_dict.get('variable_name',
                                         None) or as_dict.get('variableName', None)

        return kwargs

    def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
        untrimmed = {
            'callback': self.callback,
            'container': self.container,
            'userOptions': self.options

        return untrimmed

    def to_js_literal(self,
                      filename = None,
                      encoding = 'utf-8') -> Optional[str]:
        """Return the object represented as a :class:`str <python:str>` containing the
        JavaScript object literal.

        :param filename: The name of a file to which the JavaScript object literal should
          be persisted. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`
        :type filename: Path-like

        :param encoding: The character encoding to apply to the resulting object. Defaults
          to ``'utf-8'``.
        :type encoding: :class:`str <python:str>`

        .. note::

          If :meth:`variable_name <Chart.variable_name>` is set, will render a string as
          a new JavaScript instance invocation in the (pseudo-code) form:

          .. code-block:: javascript

            new VARIABLE_NAME = new Chart(...);

          If :meth:`variable_name <Chart.variable_name>` is not set, will simply return
          the ``new Chart(...)`` portion in the string.

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        if filename:
            filename = validators.path(filename)

        untrimmed = self._to_untrimmed_dict()
        as_dict = {}
        for key in untrimmed:
            item = untrimmed[key]
            serialized = serialize_to_js_literal(item, encoding = encoding)
            if serialized is not None:
                as_dict[key] = serialized

        signature_elements = 0

        container_as_str = ''
        if self.container:
            container_as_str = f"""'{self.container}'"""
            container_as_str = """null"""
        signature_elements += 1

        options_as_str = ''
        if self.options:
            options_as_str = self.options.to_js_literal(encoding = encoding)
            options_as_str = f"""{options_as_str}"""
            options_as_str = """null"""
        signature_elements += 1

        callback_as_str = ''
        if self.callback:
            callback_as_str = self.callback.to_js_literal(encoding = encoding)
            callback_as_str = f"""{callback_as_str}"""
            signature_elements += 1

        signature = """Highcharts.chart("""
        signature += container_as_str
        if signature_elements > 1:
            signature += ',\n'
        signature += options_as_str
        if signature_elements > 1:
            signature += ',\n'
        if callback_as_str:
            signature += callback_as_str
        signature += ');'

        constructor_prefix = ''
        if self.variable_name:
            constructor_prefix = f'var {self.variable_name} = '

        as_str = constructor_prefix + signature

        prefix = """document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {\n"""
        suffix = """});"""
        as_str = prefix + as_str + '\n' + suffix

        if filename:
            with open(filename, 'w', encoding = encoding) as file_:

        return as_str

    def download_chart(self,
                       format = 'png',
                       scale = 1,
                       width = None,
                       filename = None,
                       auth_user = None,
                       auth_password = None,
                       timeout = 0.5,
                       server_instance = None,
        """Export a downloaded form of the chart using a Highcharts :term:`Export Server`.

        :param filename: The name of the file where the exported chart should (optionally)
          be persisted. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.
        :type filename: Path-like or :obj:`None <python:None>`

        :param auth_user: The username to use to authenticate against the
          Export Server, using :term:`basic authentication`. Defaults to
          :obj:`None <python:None>`.
        :type auth_user: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`

        :param auth_password: The password to use to authenticate against the Export
          Server (using :term:`basic authentication`). Defaults to
          :obj:`None <python:None>`.
        :type auth_password: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`

        :param timeout: The number of seconds to wait before issuing a timeout error.
          The timeout check is passed if bytes have been received on the socket in less
          than the ``timeout`` value. Defaults to ``0.5``.
        :type timeout: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`

        :param server_instance: Provide an already-configured :class:`ExportServer`
          instance to use to programmatically produce the exported chart. Defaults to
          :obj:`None <python:None>`, which causes Highcharts for Python to instantiate
          a new :class:`ExportServer` instance.
        :type server_instance: :class:`ExportServer` or :obj:`None <python:None>`

        .. note::

          All other keyword arguments are as per the :class:`ExportServer` constructor.

        :returns: The exported chart image, either as a :class:`bytes <python:bytes>`
          binary object or as a base-64 encoded string (depending on the ``use_base64``
          keyword argument).
        :rtype: :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` or :class:`str <python:str>`
        if checkers.is_type(self.options, 'HighchartsStockOptions'):
            constructor = 'Stock'
            constructor = 'Chart'

        if not server_instance:
            return ExportServer.get_chart(filename = filename,
                                          auth_user = auth_user,
                                          auth_password = auth_password,
                                          timeout = timeout,
                                          options = self.options,
                                          constructor = constructor,
                                          scale = scale,
                                          width = width,

        if not isinstance(server_instance, ExportServer):
            raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'server_instance is expected to be an '
                                              f'ExportServer instance. Was: '

        return server_instance.request_chart(filename = filename,
                                             auth_user = auth_user,
                                             auth_password = auth_password,
                                             timeout = timeout,
                                             options = self.options,
                                             constructor = constructor,

    def _copy_dict_key(cls,
                       overwrite = True,
        """Copies the value of ``key`` from ``original`` to ``other``.

        :param key: The key that is to be copied.
        :type key: :class:`str <python:str>`

        :param original: The original :class:`dict <python:dict>` from which it should
          be copied.
        :type original: :class:`dict <python:dict>`

        :param other: The :class:`dict <python:dict>` to which it should be copied.
        :type other: :class:`dict <python:dict>`

        :returns: The value that should be placed in ``other`` for ``key``.
        preserve_data = kwargs.get('preserve_data', True)

        original_value = original[key]
        if other is None:
            other = {}

        other_value = other.get(key, None)

        if key == 'data' and preserve_data:
            return other_value
        if key == 'points' and preserve_data:
            return other_value
        if key == 'series' and preserve_data:
            if not other_value:
                return [x for x in original_value]
            if len(other_value) != len(original_value):
                matched_series = []
                new_series = []
                for original_item in original_value:
                    matched = False
                    for other_item in other_value:
                        if checkers.are_dicts_equivalent(original_item, other_item):
                            matched_series.append((original_item, other_item))
                            matched = True
                    if not matched:
                updated_series = []
                for items in matched_series:
                    original_item = items[0]
                    other_item = items[1]
                    new_item = {}
                    for subkey in original_item:
                        new_item_value = cls._copy_dict_key(subkey,
                                                            overwrite = overwrite,
                        new_item[subkey] = new_item_value

                return updated_series

        elif isinstance(original_value, (dict, UserDict)):
            new_value = {}
            for subkey in original_value:
                new_key_value = cls._copy_dict_key(subkey,
                                                   overwrite = overwrite,
                new_value[subkey] = new_key_value

            return new_value

        elif checkers.is_iterable(original_value,
                                  forbid_literals = (str,
            if overwrite:
                new_value = [x for x in original_value]

                return new_value

            return other_value

        elif other_value and not overwrite:
            return other_value

        return original_value

[docs] def copy(self, other = None, overwrite = True, **kwargs): """Copy the configuration settings from this chart to the ``other`` chart. :param other: The target chart to which the properties of this chart should be copied. If :obj:`None <python:None>`, will create a new chart and populate it with properties copied from ``self``. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type other: :class:`Chart` :param overwrite: if ``True``, properties in ``other`` that are already set will be overwritten by their counterparts in ``self``. Defaults to ``True``. :type overwrite: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param preserve_data: If ``True``, will preserve the data values in any :term:`series` contained in ``other`` and the configuration of the :meth:` <>` property, but will still copy other properties as applicable. If ``False``, will overwrite data in ``other`` with data from ``self``. Defaults to ``True``. :type preserve_data: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Some special descendents of :class:`HighchartsMeta` may have special implementations of this method which rely on additional keyword arguments. :returns: A mutated version of ``other`` with new property values """ return super().copy(other = other, overwrite = overwrite, **kwargs)
def add_series(self, *series): """Adds ``series`` to the :meth:`Chart.options.series <highcharts_core.options.HighchartsOptions.series>` property. :param series: One or more :term:`series` instances (descended from :class:`SeriesBase <highcharts_core.options.series.base.SeriesBase>`) or an instance (e.g. :class:`dict <python:dict>`, :class:`str <python:str>`, etc.) coercable to one :type series: one or more :class:`SeriesBase <highcharts_core.options.series.base.SeriesBase>` or coercable """ new_series = [] for item in series: item_series = create_series_obj(item) new_series.append(item_series) if self.options and self.options.series: existing_series = [x for x in self.options.series] elif self.options: existing_series = [] else: existing_series = [] self.options = HighchartsOptions() updated_series = existing_series + new_series self.options.series = updated_series
[docs] def update_series(self, *series, add_if_unmatched = False): """Replace existing series with the new versions supplied in ``series``, matching them based on their :meth:`.id <>` property. :param series: One or more :term:`series` instances (descended from :class:`SeriesBase <highcharts_core.options.series.base.SeriesBase>`) or an instance (e.g. :class:`dict <python:dict>`, :class:`str <python:str>`, etc.) coercable to one :type series: one or more :class:`SeriesBase <highcharts_core.options.series.base.SeriesBase>` or coercable :param add_if_unmatched: If ``True``, will add a series that does not have a match. If ``False``, will raise a :exc:`HighchartsMissingSeriesError <highcharts_core.errors.HighchartsMissingSeriesError>` if a series does not have a match on the chart. Defaults to ``False``. :type add_if_unmatched: :class:`bool <python:bool>` """ new_series = [] for item in series: item_series = create_series_obj(item) new_series.append(item_series) if self.options and self.options.series: existing_series = [x for x in self.options.series] elif self.options: existing_series = [] else: existing_series = [] self.options = HighchartsOptions() existing_ids = [ for x in existing_series] new_ids = [ for x in new_series] overlap_ids = [x for x in new_ids if x in existing_ids] updated_series = [] for existing in existing_series: if not in overlap_ids: updated_series.append(existing) for new in new_series: if not in overlap_ids and not add_if_unmatched: raise errors.HighchartsMissingSeriesError(f'attempted to update series ' f'id "{}", but that ' f'series is not present in ' f'the chart') updated_series.append(new) self.options.series = updated_series
@classmethod def from_series(cls, *series, kwargs = None): """Creates a new :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` instance populated with ``series``. :param series: One or more :term:`series` instances (descended from :class:`SeriesBase <highcharts_core.options.series.base.SeriesBase>`) or an instance (e.g. :class:`dict <python:dict>`, :class:`str <python:str>`, etc.) coercable to one :type series: one or more :class:`SeriesBase <highcharts_core.options.series.base.SeriesBase>` or coercable :param kwargs: Other properties to use as keyword arguments for the instance to be created. .. warning:: If ``kwargs`` sets the :meth:`options.series <highcharts_core.options.HighchartsOptions.series>` property, that setting will be *overridden* by the contents of ``series``. :type kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :returns: A new :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` instance :rtype: :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` """ kwargs = validators.dict(kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} instance = cls(**kwargs) if checkers.is_iterable(series) is True: for item in series: instance.add_series(item) else: instance.add_series(series) return instance
[docs] def display(self, global_options = None, container = None, retries = 3, interval = 1000): """Display the chart in `Jupyter Labs <>`_ or `Jupyter Notebooks <>`_. :param global_options: The :term:`shared options` to use when rendering the chart. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type global_options: :class:`SharedOptions <highcharts_stock.global_options.shared_options.SharedOptions>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param container: The ID to apply to the HTML container when rendered in Jupyter Labs. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which applies the :meth:`.container <highcharts_core.chart.Chart.container>` property if set, and ``'highcharts_target_div'`` if not set. .. note:: Highcharts for Python will append a 6-character random string to the value of ``container`` to ensure uniqueness of the chart's container when rendering in a Jupyter Notebook/Labs context. The :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` instance will retain the mapping between container and the random string so long as the instance exists, thus allowing you to easily update the rendered chart by calling the :meth:`.display() <highcharts_core.chart.Chart.display>` method again. If you wish to create a new chart from the instance that does not update the existing chart, then you can do so by specifying a new ``container`` value. :type container: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param retries: The number of times to retry rendering the chart. Used to avoid race conditions with the Highcharts script. Defaults to 3. :type retries: :class:`int <python:int>` :param interval: The number of milliseconds to wait between retrying rendering the chart. Defaults to 1000 (1 seocnd). :type interval: :class:`int <python:int>` :raises HighchartsDependencyError: if `ipython <>`_ is not available in the runtime environment """ try: from IPython import display as display_mod from IPython.core.display_functions import display except ImportError: raise errors.HighchartsDependencyError('Unable to import IPython modules. ' 'Make sure that it is available in ' 'your runtime environment. To install,' 'use: pip install ipython') include_js_str = self._jupyter_include_scripts() include_display = display_mod.Javascript(data = include_js_str) container = container or self.container or 'highcharts_target_div' if not self._random_slug: self._random_slug = {} random_slug = self._random_slug.get(container, None) if not random_slug: random_slug = utility_functions.get_random_string() self._random_slug[container] = random_slug html_str = self._jupyter_container_html(container, random_slug) html_display = display_mod.HTML(data = html_str) chart_js_str = self._jupyter_javascript(global_options = global_options, container = container, random_slug = random_slug, retries = retries, interval = interval) javascript_display = display_mod.Javascript(data = chart_js_str) display(include_display) display(html_display) display(javascript_display)
@classmethod def from_csv(cls, as_string_or_file, property_column_map, series_type, has_header_row = True, series_kwargs = None, options_kwargs = None, chart_kwargs = None, delimiter = ',', null_text = 'None', wrapper_character = "'", line_terminator = '\r\n', wrap_all_strings = False, double_wrapper_character_when_nested = False, escape_character = "\\"): """Create a new :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` instance with data populated from a CSV string or file. .. note:: For an example :class:`LineSeries <highcharts_core.options.series.area.LineSeries>`, the minimum code required would be: .. code-block:: python my_chart = Chart.from_csv('some-csv-file.csv', property_column_map = { 'x': 0, 'y': 3, 'id': 'id' }, series_type = 'line') As the example above shows, data is loaded into the ``my_chart`` instance from the CSV file with a filename ``some-csv-file.csv``. The :meth:`x <CartesianData.x>` values for each data point will be taken from the first (index 0) column in the CSV file. The :meth:`y <CartesianData.y>` values will be taken from the fourth (index 3) column in the CSV file. And the :meth:`id <>` values will be taken from a column whose header row is labeled ``'id'`` (regardless of its index). :param as_string_or_file: The CSV data to use to pouplate data. Accepts either the raw CSV data as a :class:`str <python:str>` or a path to a file in the runtime environment that contains the CSV data. .. tip:: Unwrapped empty column values are automatically interpreted as null (:obj:`None <python:None>`). :type as_string_or_file: :class:`str <python:str>` or Path-like :param property_column_map: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` used to indicate which data point property should be set to which CSV column. The keys in the :class:`dict <python:dict>` should correspond to properties in the data point class, while the value can either be a numerical index (starting with 0) or a :class:`str <python:str>` indicating the label for the CSV column. .. warning:: If the ``property_column_map`` uses :class:`str <python:str>` values, the CSV file *must* have a header row (this is expected, by default). If there is no header row and a :class:`str <python:str>` value is found, a :exc:`HighchartsCSVDeserializationError` will be raised. :type property_column_map: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :param series_type: Indicates the series type that should be created from the CSV data. :type series_type: :class:`str <python:str>` :param has_header_row: If ``True``, indicates that the first row of ``as_string_or_file`` contains column labels, rather than actual data. Defaults to ``True``. :type has_header_row: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param series_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` containing keyword arguments that should be used when instantiating the series instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. warning:: If ``series_kwargs`` contains a ``data`` key, its value will be *overwritten*. The ``data`` value will be created from the CSV file instead. :type series_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param options_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` containing keyword arguments that should be used when instantiating the :class:`HighchartsOptions` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. warning:: If ``options_kwargs`` contains a ``series`` key, the ``series`` value will be *overwritten*. The ``series`` value will be created from the CSV file instead. :type options_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param chart_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` containing keyword arguments that should be used when instantiating the :class:`Chart` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. warning:: If ``chart_kwargs`` contains an ``options`` key, ``options`` will be *overwritten*. The ``options`` value will be created from the ``options_kwargs`` and CSV file instead. :type chart_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param delimiter: The delimiter used between columns. Defaults to ``,``. :type delimiter: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrapper_character: The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is applied. Defaults to ``'``. :type wrapper_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param null_text: The string used to indicate an empty value if empty values are wrapped. Defaults to `None`. :type null_text: :class:`str <python:str>` :param line_terminator: The string used to indicate the end of a line/record in the CSV data. Defaults to ``'\\r\\n'``. .. note:: The Python :mod:`csv <python:csv>` currently ignores the ``line_terminator`` parameter and always applies ``'\\r\\n'``, by design. The Python docs say this may change in the future, so for future backwards compatibility we are including it here. :type line_terminator: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrap_all_strings: If ``True``, indicates that the CSV file has all string data values wrapped in quotation marks. Defaults to ``False``. .. warning:: If set to ``True``, the :mod:`csv <python:csv>` module will try to coerce any value that is *not* wrapped in quotation marks to a :class:`float <python:float>`. This can cause unexpected behavior, and typically we recommend leaving this as ``False`` and then re-casting values after they have been parsed. :type wrap_all_strings: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param double_wrapper_character_when_nested: If ``True``, quote character is doubled when appearing within a string value. If ``False``, the ``escape_character`` is used to prefix quotation marks. Defaults to ``False``. :type double_wrapper_character_when_nested: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param escape_character: A one-character string that indicates the character used to escape quotation marks if they appear within a string value that is already wrapped in quotation marks. Defaults to ``\\\\`` (which is Python for ``'\\'``, which is Python's native escape character). :type escape_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: A :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` instance with its data populated from the CSV data. :rtype: :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` :raises HighchartsCSVDeserializationError: if ``property_column_map`` references CSV columns by their label, but the CSV data does not contain a header row """ series_type = validators.string(series_type, allow_empty = False) series_type = series_type.lower() if series_type not in SERIES_CLASSES: raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'series_type expects a valid Highcharts ' f'series type. Received: {series_type}') options_kwargs = validators.dict(options_kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} chart_kwargs = validators.dict(chart_kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} series_cls = SERIES_CLASSES.get(series_type, None) series = series_cls.from_csv(as_string_or_file, property_column_map, has_header_row = has_header_row, series_kwargs = series_kwargs, delimiter = delimiter, null_text = null_text, wrapper_character = wrapper_character, line_terminator = line_terminator, wrap_all_strings = wrap_all_strings, double_wrapper_character_when_nested = double_wrapper_character_when_nested, escape_character = escape_character) options = HighchartsOptions(**options_kwargs) options.series = [series] instance = cls(**chart_kwargs) instance.options = options return instance @classmethod def from_pandas(cls, df, property_map, series_type, series_kwargs = None, options_kwargs = None, chart_kwargs = None): """Create a :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` instance whose data is populated from a `pandas <>`_ :class:`DataFrame <pandas:DataFrame>`. :param df: The :class:`DataFrame <pandas:DataFrame>` from which data should be loaded. :type df: :class:`DataFrame <pandas:DataFrame>` :param property_map: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` used to indicate which data point property should be set to which column in ``df``. The keys in the :class:`dict <python:dict>` should correspond to properties in the data point class, while the value should indicate the label for the :class:`DataFrame <pandas:DataFrame>` column. :type property_map: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :param series_type: Indicates the series type that should be created from the data in ``df``. :type series_type: :class:`str <python:str>` :param series_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` containing keyword arguments that should be used when instantiating the series instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. warning:: If ``series_kwargs`` contains a ``data`` key, its value will be *overwritten*. The ``data`` value will be created from ``df`` instead. :type series_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :param options_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` containing keyword arguments that should be used when instantiating the :class:`HighchartsOptions` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. warning:: If ``options_kwargs`` contains a ``series`` key, the ``series`` value will be *overwritten*. The ``series`` value will be created from the data in ``df``. :type options_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param chart_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` containing keyword arguments that should be used when instantiating the :class:`Chart` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. warning:: If ``chart_kwargs`` contains an ``options`` key, ``options`` will be *overwritten*. The ``options`` value will be created from the ``options_kwargs`` and the data in ``df`` instead. :type chart_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: A :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` instance with its data populated from the data in ``df``. :rtype: :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` :raises HighchartsPandasDeserializationError: if ``property_map`` references a column that does not exist in the data frame :raises HighchartsDependencyError: if `pandas <>`_ is not available in the runtime environment """ series_type = validators.string(series_type, allow_empty = False) series_type = series_type.lower() if series_type not in SERIES_CLASSES: raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'series_type expects a valid Highcharts ' f'series type. Received: {series_type}') options_kwargs = validators.dict(options_kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} chart_kwargs = validators.dict(chart_kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} series_cls = SERIES_CLASSES.get(series_type, None) series = series_cls.from_pandas(df, property_map, series_kwargs) options = HighchartsOptions(**options_kwargs) options.series = [series] instance = cls(**chart_kwargs) instance.options = options return instance @classmethod def from_pyspark(cls, df, property_map, series_type, series_kwargs = None, options_kwargs = None, chart_kwargs = None): """Create a :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` instance whose data is populated from a `PySpark <>`_ :class:`DataFrame <pyspark:pyspark.sql.DataFrame>`. :param df: The :class:`DataFrame <pyspark:pyspark.sql.DataFrame>` from which data should be loaded. :type df: :class:`DataFrame <pyspark:pyspark.sql.DataFrame>` :param property_map: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` used to indicate which data point property should be set to which column in ``df``. The keys in the :class:`dict <python:dict>` should correspond to properties in the data point class, while the value should indicate the label for the :class:`DataFrame <pyspark:pyspark.sql.DataFrame>` column. :type property_map: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :param series_type: Indicates the series type that should be created from the data in ``df``. :type series_type: :class:`str <python:str>` :param series_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` containing keyword arguments that should be used when instantiating the series instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. warning:: If ``series_kwargs`` contains a ``data`` key, its value will be *overwritten*. The ``data`` value will be created from ``df`` instead. :type series_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :param options_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` containing keyword arguments that should be used when instantiating the :class:`HighchartsOptions` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. warning:: If ``options_kwargs`` contains a ``series`` key, the ``series`` value will be *overwritten*. The ``series`` value will be created from the data in ``df``. :type options_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param chart_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` containing keyword arguments that should be used when instantiating the :class:`Chart` instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. warning:: If ``chart_kwargs`` contains an ``options`` key, ``options`` will be *overwritten*. The ``options`` value will be created from the ``options_kwargs`` and the data in ``df`` instead. :type chart_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: A :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` instance with its data populated from the data in ``df``. :rtype: :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` :raises HighchartsPySparkDeserializationError: if ``property_map`` references a column that does not exist in the data frame :raises HighchartsDependencyError: if `PySpark <>`_ is not available in the runtime environment """ series_type = validators.string(series_type, allow_empty = False) series_type = series_type.lower() if series_type not in SERIES_CLASSES: raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'series_type expects a valid Highcharts ' f'series type. Received: {series_type}') options_kwargs = validators.dict(options_kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} chart_kwargs = validators.dict(chart_kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} series_cls = SERIES_CLASSES.get(series_type, None) series = series_cls.from_pyspark(df, property_map, series_kwargs) options = HighchartsOptions(**options_kwargs) options.series = [series] instance = cls(**chart_kwargs) instance.options = options return instance @classmethod def from_options(cls, options, chart_kwargs = None): """Create a :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` instance from a :class:`HighchartsOptions <highcharts_core.options.HighchartsOptions>` object. :param options: The configuration options to use to instantiate the chart. :type options: :class:`HighchartsOptions <highcharts_core.options.HighchartsOptions>` or coercable :param chart_kwargs: An optional :class:`dict <python:dict>` containing keyword arguments that should be used when instantiating the instance. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. warning:: If ``chart_kwargs`` contains an ``options`` key, ``options`` will be *overwritten* by the contents of ``options``. :type chart_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: The :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` instance :rtype: :class:`Chart <highcharts_core.chart.Chart>` """ chart_kwargs = validators.dict(chart_kwargs, allow_empty = True) or {} options = validate_types(options, types = (HighchartsOptions)) instance = cls(**chart_kwargs) instance.options = options return instance