from typing import Optional
from decimal import Decimal
from validator_collection import validators
from highcharts_stock import errors
from highcharts_stock.decorators import class_sensitive
from highcharts_stock.utility_classes.gradients import Gradient
from highcharts_stock.utility_classes.patterns import Pattern
from highcharts_stock.options.plot_options.drag_drop import DragDropOptions
from highcharts_stock.options.plot_options.series import SeriesOptions as SeriesBase
from highcharts_stock.utility_functions import mro__to_untrimmed_dict
from highcharts_gantt.options.connectors import ConnectorOptions
[docs]class SeriesOptions(SeriesBase):
"""General options to apply to all series types."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._drag_drop = None
self._negative_color = None
self._point_interval = None
self._point_interval_unit = None
self._point_placement = None
self._point_start = None
self._connectors = None
self.drag_drop = kwargs.get('drag_drop', None)
self.negative_color = kwargs.get('negative_color', None)
self.point_interval = kwargs.get('point_interval', None)
self.point_interval_unit = kwargs.get('point_interval_unit', None)
self.point_placement = kwargs.get('point_placement', None)
self.point_start = kwargs.get('point_start', None)
self.connectors = kwargs.get('connectors', None)
def drag_drop(self) -> Optional[DragDropOptions]:
"""The draggable-points module allows points to be moved around or modified in the
In addition to the options mentioned under the dragDrop API structure, the module
fires three (JavaScript) events:
* ``point.dragStart``
* ``point.drag``
* ``point.drop``
:rtype: :class:`DragDropOptions` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._drag_drop
def drag_drop(self, value):
self._drag_drop = value
def negative_color(self) -> Optional[str | Gradient | Pattern]:
"""The color for the parts of the graph or points that are below the
.. note::
:meth:`Zones <AreaOptions.zones>` take precedence over the negative color.
Using ``negative_color`` is equivalent to applying a zone with value of 0.
:rtype: :obj:`None <python:None>`, :class:`Gradient`, :class:`Pattern`, or
:class:`str <python:str>`
return self._negative_color
def negative_color(self, value):
from highcharts_core import utility_functions
self._negative_color = utility_functions.validate_color(value)
def point_interval(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
"""If no x values are given for the points in a series, ``point_interval`` defines
the interval of the x values. Defaults to ``1``.
For example, if a series contains one value every decade starting from year 0, set
``point_interval`` to ``10``. In true datetime axes, the ``point_interval`` is set
in milliseconds.
.. hint::
``point_interval`` can be also be combined with
:meth:`point_interval_unit <AreaOptions.point_interval_unit>` to draw irregular
time intervals.
.. note::
If combined with :meth:`relative_x_value <AreaOptions.relative_x_value>`, an x
value can be set on each point, and the ``point_interval`` is added x times to
the :meth:`point_start <AreaOptions.point_start>` setting.
.. warning::
This options applies to the series data, not the interval of the axis ticks,
which is independent.
:rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._point_interval
def point_interval(self, value):
self._point_interval = validators.numeric(value,
allow_empty = True,
minimum = 0)
def point_interval_unit(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""On datetime series, this allows for setting the
:meth:`point_interval <AreaOptions.point_interval>` to irregular time units, day,
month, and year.
A day is usually the same as 24 hours, but ``point_interval_unit`` also takes the
DST crossover into consideration when dealing with local time.
Combine this option with :meth:`point_interval <AreaOptions.point_interval>` to
draw weeks, quarters, 6 month periods, 10 year periods, etc.
.. warning::
This options applies to the series data, not the interval of the axis ticks,
which is independent.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._point_interval_unit
def point_interval_unit(self, value):
self._point_interval_unit = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def point_placement(self) -> Optional[str | int | float | Decimal]:
"""Used to determine the placement of the point in relation to tick marks on the
X axis. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which behaves as undefined in
:term:`cartesian charts`, and ``"between"`` in polar charts.
Accepts possible values:
* ``'on'`` - where the point will not create any padding of the X axis. In a
polar column chart this means that the first column points directly
* ``"between"`` - where the columns will be laid out between ticks. This is
useful for example for visualising an amount between two points in time or in
a certain sector of a polar chart.
* a numeric value - where ``0`` is on the axis value, ``-0.5`` is between this
value and the previous, and ``0.5`` is between this value and the next. Unlike
the textual options, numeric point placement options won't affect axis
.. warning::
Requires :meth:`point_range <AreaOptions.point_range>` to work. For
column series this is computed, but for line-type series it needs to be set.
.. note::
For the xrange series type and gantt charts, if the Y axis is a category axis,
the ``point_placement`` applies to the Y axis rather than the (typically
datetime) X axis.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._point_placement
def point_placement(self, value):
if value is None:
self._point_placement = None
self._point_placement = validators.numeric(value,
minimum = -0.5,
maximum = 0.5)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
value = validators.string(value)
value = value.lower()
if value not in ['on', 'between']:
raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'point_placement must be a number,'
f' "on", or "between". Was: '
self._point_placement = value
def point_start(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
"""If no x values are given for the points in a series, ``point_start`` defines
on what value to start. For example, if a series contains one yearly value
starting from 1945, set ``point_start`` to ``1945``. Defaults to ``0``.
.. note::
If combined with :meth:`relative_x_value <AreaOptions.relative_x_value>`, an x
value can be set on each point. The x value from the point options is multiplied
by :meth:`point_interval <AreaOptions.point_interval>` and added to
``point_start`` to produce a modified x value.
:rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._point_start
def point_start(self, value):
self._point_start = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True)
def data_as_columns(self) -> Optional[bool]:
"""If ``True``, indicates that the data is structured as columns instead of as
rows. Defaults to ``False``.
:rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._data_as_columns
def data_as_columns(self, value):
if value is None:
self._data_as_columns = None
self._data_as_columns = bool(value)
def connectors(self) -> Optional[ConnectorOptions]:
"""Overrides the pathfinder connection options for a series.
:rtype: :class:`ConnectorOptions <highcharts_gantt.options.plot_options.connectors.ConnectorOptions>`
or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._connectors
def connectors(self, value):
self._connectors = value
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
kwargs = {
'accessibility': as_dict.get('accessibility', None),
'allow_point_select': as_dict.get('allowPointSelect', None),
'animation': as_dict.get('animation', None),
'class_name': as_dict.get('className', None),
'clip': as_dict.get('clip', None),
'color': as_dict.get('color', None),
'cursor': as_dict.get('cursor', None),
'custom': as_dict.get('custom', None),
'dash_style': as_dict.get('dashStyle', None),
'data_labels': as_dict.get('dataLabels', None),
'description': as_dict.get('description', None),
'enable_mouse_tracking': as_dict.get('enableMouseTracking', None),
'events': as_dict.get('events', None),
'include_in_data_export': as_dict.get('includeInDataExport', None),
'keys': as_dict.get('keys', None),
'label': as_dict.get('label', None),
'linked_to': as_dict.get('linkedTo', None),
'marker': as_dict.get('marker', None),
'on_point': as_dict.get('onPoint', None),
'opacity': as_dict.get('opacity', None),
'point': as_dict.get('point', None),
'point_description_formatter': as_dict.get('pointDescriptionFormatter', None),
'selected': as_dict.get('selected', None),
'show_checkbox': as_dict.get('showCheckbox', None),
'show_in_legend': as_dict.get('showInLegend', None),
'skip_keyboard_navigation': as_dict.get('skipKeyboardNavigation', None),
'states': as_dict.get('states', None),
'sticky_tracking': as_dict.get('stickyTracking', None),
'threshold': as_dict.get('threshold', None),
'tooltip': as_dict.get('tooltip', None),
'turbo_threshold': as_dict.get('turboThreshold', None),
'visible': as_dict.get('visible', None),
'animation_limit': as_dict.get('animationLimit', None),
'boost_blending': as_dict.get('boostBlending', None),
'boost_threshold': as_dict.get('boostThreshold', None),
'color_index': as_dict.get('colorIndex', None),
'color_key': as_dict.get('colorKey', None),
'connect_nulls': as_dict.get('connectNulls', None),
'crisp': as_dict.get('crisp', None),
'crop_threshold': as_dict.get('cropThreshold', None),
'data_sorting': as_dict.get('dataSorting', None),
'find_nearest_point_by': as_dict.get('findNearestPointBy', None),
'get_extremes_from_all': as_dict.get('getExtremesFromAll', None),
'linecap': as_dict.get('linecap', None),
'line_width': as_dict.get('lineWidth', None),
'relative_x_value': as_dict.get('relativeXValue', None),
'shadow': as_dict.get('shadow', None),
'soft_threshold': as_dict.get('softThreshold', None),
'step': as_dict.get('step', None),
'zone_axis': as_dict.get('zoneAxis', None),
'zones': as_dict.get('zones', None),
'color_axis': as_dict.get('colorAxis', None),
'connect_ends': as_dict.get('connectEnds', None),
'drag_drop': as_dict.get('dragDrop', None),
'negative_color': as_dict.get('negativeColor', None),
'point_interval': as_dict.get('pointInterval', None),
'point_interval_unit': as_dict.get('pointIntervalUnit', None),
'point_placement': as_dict.get('pointPlacement', None),
'point_start': as_dict.get('pointStart', None),
'stacking': as_dict.get('stacking', None),
'compare_start': as_dict.get('compareStart', None),
'cumulative': as_dict.get('cumulative', None),
'data_as_columns': as_dict.get('dataAsColumns', None),
'data_grouping': as_dict.get('dataGrouping', None),
'gap_size': as_dict.get('gapSize', None),
'gap_unit': as_dict.get('gapUnit', None),
'last_price': as_dict.get('lastPrice', None),
'last_visible_price': as_dict.get('lastVisiblePrice', None),
'compare': as_dict.get('compare', None),
'compare_base': as_dict.get('compareBase', None),
'navigator_options': as_dict.get('navigatorOptions', None),
'point_range': as_dict.get('pointRange', None),
'show_in_navigator': as_dict.get('showInNavigator', None),
'connectors': as_dict.get('connectors', None),
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'dataAsColumns': self.data_as_columns,
'connectors': self.connectors,
parent_as_dict = mro__to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = in_cls) or {}
for key in parent_as_dict:
untrimmed[key] = parent_as_dict[key]
return untrimmed