from typing import Optional
from decimal import Decimal
from fractions import Fraction
from validator_collection import validators
from highcharts_core.decorators import class_sensitive
from highcharts_core.metaclasses import HighchartsMeta
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.animation import AnimationOptions
[docs]class PatternOptions(HighchartsMeta):
"""Definition of a pattern."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._aspect_ratio = None
self._background_color = None
self._color = None
self._height = None
self._id = None
self._image = None
self._opacity = None
self._path = None
self._pattern_transform = None
self._width = None
self._x = None
self._y = None
self.aspect_ratio = kwargs.get('aspect_ratio', None)
self.background_color = kwargs.get('background_color', None)
self.color = kwargs.get('color', None)
self.height = kwargs.get('height', None) = kwargs.get('id', None)
self.image = kwargs.get('image', None)
self.opacity = kwargs.get('opacity', None)
self.path = kwargs.get('path', None)
self.pattern_transform = kwargs.get('pattern_transform', None)
self.width = kwargs.get('width', None)
self.x = kwargs.get('x', None)
self.y = kwargs.get('y', None)
def aspect_ratio(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal | Fraction]:
"""For automatically calculated width and height on images, it is possible to set
an aspect ratio. The image will be zoomed to fill the bounding box, maintaining
the aspect ratio defined.
:returns: The aspect ratio applied.
:rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._aspect_ratio
def aspect_ratio(self, value):
self._aspect_ratio = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True)
def background_color(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Background color for the pattern if a :meth:`PatternOptions.path` is set (not
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._background_color
def background_color(self, value):
self._background_color = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def color(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Pattern color, used as default path stroke.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._color
def color(self, value):
self._color = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def height(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
"""Height of the pattern expressed in pixels.
.. note::
For images this is automatically set to the height of the element bounding box
if not supplied.
For non-image patterns the default is ``32px``.
Note that automatic resizing of image patterns to fill a bounding box
dynamically is only supported for patterns with an automatically calculated ID.
:rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._height
def height(self, value):
self._height = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True)
def id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""ID to assign to the pattern.
.. note::
This is automatically computed if not specified explicitly, and identical
patterns are reused.
To refer to an existing pattern for a Highcharts color in JavaScript, use color:
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._id
def id(self, value):
self._id = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def image(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""URL to an image to use as the pattern.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
:raises ValueError: if value provided is not URL or path-like
return self._image
def image(self, value):
self._image = validators.url(value, allow_empty = True)
except ValueError:
self._image = validators.path(value, allow_empty = True)
def opacity(self) -> Optional[float]:
"""Opacity of the pattern as a float value from 0 to 1.
:rtype: :class:`float <python:float` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
:raises ValueError: if outside the range 0 - 1
return self._opacity
def opacity(self, value):
self._opacity = validators.float(value,
allow_empty = True,
minimum = 0,
maximum = 1)
def path(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""An SVG path expressed as a string.
.. note::
If a path is supplied for the pattern, the :meth:`PatternOptions.image` property
is ignored.
.. warning::
Highcharts for Python does not yet support the JavaScript
``Highcharts.SVGAttributes`` object. Only strings are currently supported.
.. todo:
Add ``Highcharts.SVGAttributes`` to utility classes.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._path
def path(self, value):
self._path = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def pattern_transform(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""SVG ``patternTransform`` to apply to the entire pattern.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._pattern_transform
def pattern_transform(self, value):
self._pattern_transform = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def width(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
"""Width of the pattern expressed in pixels.
.. note::
For images this is automatically set to the width of the element bounding box
if not supplied.
For non-image patterns the default is ``32px``.
Note that automatic resizing of image patterns to fill a bounding box
dynamically is only supported for patterns with an automatically calculated ID.
:rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._width
def width(self, value):
self._width = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True)
def x(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
"""Horizontal offset applied to the pattern. Defaults to ``0``.
:rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._x
def x(self, value):
self._x = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True)
def y(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
"""Vertical offset applied to the pattern. Defaults to ``0``.
:rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._y
def y(self, value):
self._y = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True)
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
kwargs = {
'aspect_ratio': as_dict.get('aspectRatio', None),
'background_color': as_dict.get('backgroundColor', None),
'color': as_dict.get('color', None),
'height': as_dict.get('height', None),
'id': as_dict.get('id', None),
'image': as_dict.get('image', None),
'opacity': as_dict.get('opacity', None),
'path': as_dict.get('path', None),
'pattern_transform': as_dict.get('patternTransform', None),
'width': as_dict.get('width', None),
'x': as_dict.get('x', None),
'y': as_dict.get('y', None)
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'aspectRatio': self.aspect_ratio,
'backgroundColor': self.background_color,
'color': self.color,
'height': self.height,
'image': self.image,
'opacity': self.opacity,
'path': self.path,
'patternTransform': self.pattern_transform,
'width': self.width,
'x': self.x,
'y': self.y
return untrimmed
[docs]class Pattern(HighchartsMeta):
"""Holds a pattern definition."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._animation = None
self._pattern_options = None
self._pattern_index = None
self.animation = kwargs.get('animation', None)
self.pattern_options = kwargs.get('pattern_options', None)
self.pattern_index = kwargs.get('pattern_index', None)
def animation(self) -> Optional[AnimationOptions]:
"""Animations options for the loading of image patterns.
:returns: Settings for the animation of image patterns.
:rtype: :class:`AnimationOptions` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._animation
def animation(self, value):
self._animation = value
def pattern_options(self) -> Optional[PatternOptions]:
"""Options to define a Pattern.
:rtype: :class:`PatternOptions` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._pattern_options
def pattern_options(self, value):
self._pattern_options = value
def pattern_index(self) -> Optional[int]:
"""An optional index that indicates which of Highcharts default patterns to apply.
Default patterns are part of the (JavaScript) ``Highcharts.patterns`` array, and
additional patterns may be added to that array as well.
:rtype: :class:`int <python:int>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._pattern_index
def pattern_index(self, value):
self._pattern_index = validators.integer(value,
allow_empty = True,
minimum = True,
coerce_value = True)
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
pattern_options = as_dict.get('pattern', None) or \
as_dict.get('pattern_options', None) or \
as_dict.get('patternOptions', None)
kwargs = {
'animation': as_dict.get('animation', None),
'pattern_options': pattern_options,
'pattern_index': as_dict.get('patternIndex', None)
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'animation': self.animation,
'pattern': self.pattern_options,
'patternIndex': self.pattern_index
return untrimmed