Source code for highcharts_core.options.plot_options.gauge

from typing import Optional, List, Any
from decimal import Decimal

from validator_collection import validators

from highcharts_core import errors
from highcharts_core.decorators import class_sensitive, validate_types
from highcharts_core.metaclasses import HighchartsMeta
from highcharts_core.options.plot_options.generic import GenericTypeOptions
from highcharts_core.options.plot_options.series import SeriesOptions
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.gradients import Gradient
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.patterns import Pattern
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.shadows import ShadowOptions

[docs]class DialOptions(HighchartsMeta): """Options for the dial or arrow pointer of the gauge.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._background_color = None self._base_length = None self._base_width = None self._border_color = None self._border_width = None self._path = None self._radius = None self._rear_length = None self._top_width = None self.background_color = kwargs.get('background_color', None) self.base_length = kwargs.get('base_length', None) self.base_width = kwargs.get('base_width', None) self.border_color = kwargs.get('border_color', None) self.border_width = kwargs.get('border_width', None) self.path = kwargs.get('path', None) self.radius = kwargs.get('radius', None) self.rear_length = kwargs.get('rear_length', None) self.top_width = kwargs.get('top_width', None) @property def background_color(self) -> Optional[str | Gradient | Pattern]: """The background or fill color of the gauge's dial. Defaults to '#000000'. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`, :class:`Gradient`, :class:`Pattern``, or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._background_color @background_color.setter def background_color(self, value): from highcharts_core import utility_functions self._background_color = utility_functions.validate_color(value) @property def base_length(self) -> Optional[str]: """The length of the dial's base part, expressed as a percentage of the total radius or length of the dial. Defaults to ``70%``. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._base_length @base_length.setter def base_length(self, value): if value is None: self._base_length = None else: value = validators.string(value) if '%' not in value: raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'base_length expects a percentage ' f'string. Received: {value}') self._base_length = value @property def base_width(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """The pixel width of the base of the gauge dial. Defaults to ``3``. .. note:: The base is the part closest to the pivot, defined by :meth:`DialOptions.base_length`. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._base_width @base_width.setter def base_width(self, value): self._base_width = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True, minimum = 0) @property def border_color(self) -> Optional[str | Gradient | Pattern]: """The border color or stroke of the gauge's dial. Defaults to ``'#cccccc'``. .. warning:: By default, the :meth:`DialOptions.border_width` is ``0``, so be sure to set that property to a non-default value if you wish to apply a border color. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._border_color @border_color.setter def border_color(self, value): from highcharts_core import utility_functions self._border_color = utility_functions.validate_color(value) @property def border_width(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """The width of the gauge dial border in pixels. Defaults to ``0``. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._border_width @border_width.setter def border_width(self, value): self._border_width = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True, minimum = 0) @property def path(self) -> Optional[List[Any]]: """An array with an SVG path for the custom dial. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of any instances, or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._path @path.setter def path(self, value): if not value: self._path = None else: self._path = validators.iterable(value) @property def radius(self) -> Optional[str]: """The radius or length of the dial, in percentages relative to the radius of the gauge itself. Defaults to ``'80%'``. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._radius @radius.setter def radius(self, value): if not value: self._radius = None else: value = validators.string(value) if '%' not in value: raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'radius expects a percentage string. ' f'Received: {value}') self._radius = value @property def rear_length(self) -> Optional[str]: """The length of the dial's rear end, the part that extends out on the other side of the pivot. Expressed as a percentage of the dial's length. Defaults to ``'10%'``. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._rear_length @rear_length.setter def rear_length(self, value): if not value: self._rear_length = None else: value = validators.string(value) if '%' not in value: raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'rear_length expects a percentage ' f'string. Received: {value}') self._rear_length = value @property def top_width(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """The width of the top of the dial, closest to the perimeter. Defaults to ``1``. .. note:: The pivot narrows in from the base to the top. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._top_width @top_width.setter def top_width(self, value): self._top_width = validators.numeric(value, minimum = 0) @classmethod def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict): kwargs = { 'background_color': as_dict.get('backgroundColor', None), 'base_length': as_dict.get('baseLength', None), 'base_width': as_dict.get('baseWidth', None), 'border_color': as_dict.get('borderColor', None), 'border_width': as_dict.get('borderWidth', None), 'path': as_dict.get('path', None), 'radius': as_dict.get('radius', None), 'rear_length': as_dict.get('rearLength', None), 'top_width': as_dict.get('topWidth', None) } return kwargs def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict: untrimmed = { 'backgroundColor': self.background_color, 'baseLength': self.base_length, 'baseWidth': self.base_width, 'borderColor': self.border_color, 'borderWidth': self.border_width, 'path': self.path, 'radius': self.radius, 'rearLength': self.rear_length, 'topWidth': self.top_width } return untrimmed
[docs]class PivotOptions(HighchartsMeta): """Options for the pivot or the center point of the gauge.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._background_color = None self._border_color = None self._border_width = None self._radius = None self.background_color = kwargs.get('background_color', None) self.border_color = kwargs.get('border_color', None) self.border_width = kwargs.get('border_width', None) self.radius = kwargs.get('radius', None) @property def background_color(self) -> Optional[str | Gradient | Pattern]: """The background color or fill of the pivot. Defaults to '#000000'. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`, :class:`Gradient`, :class:`Pattern``, or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._background_color @background_color.setter def background_color(self, value): from highcharts_core import utility_functions self._background_color = utility_functions.validate_color(value) @property def border_color(self) -> Optional[str | Gradient | Pattern]: """The border or stroke color of the pivot. Defaults to ``'#cccccc'``. .. warning:: By default, the :meth:`PivotOptions.border_width` is ``0``, so be sure to set that property to a non-default value if you wish to apply a border color. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._border_color @border_color.setter def border_color(self, value): from highcharts_core import utility_functions self._border_color = utility_functions.validate_color(value) @property def border_width(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """TThe border or stroke width of the pivot. Defaults to ``0``. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._border_width @border_width.setter def border_width(self, value): self._border_width = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True, minimum = 0) @property def radius(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """The pixel radius of the pivot. Defaults to ``5``. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._radius @radius.setter def radius(self, value): self._radius = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True) @classmethod def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict): kwargs = { 'background_color': as_dict.get('backgroundColor', None), 'border_color': as_dict.get('borderColor', None), 'border_width': as_dict.get('borderWidth', None), 'radius': as_dict.get('radius', None) } return kwargs def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict: untrimmed = { 'backgroundColor': self.background_color, 'borderColor': self.border_color, 'borderWidth': self.border_width, 'radius': self.radius } return untrimmed
[docs]class GaugeOptions(GenericTypeOptions): """General options to apply to all Gauge series types. Gauges are circular plots displaying one or more values with a dial pointing to values along the perimeter. .. figure:: ../../../_static/gauge-example.png :alt: Gauge Example Chart :align: center """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._color_index = None self._crisp = None self._dial = None self._linecap = None self._line_width = None self._overshoot = None self._pivot = None self._point_interval = None self._point_interval_unit = None self._point_start = None self._relative_x_value = None self._shadow = None self._wrap = None self.color_index = kwargs.get('color_index', None) self.crisp = kwargs.get('crisp', None) self.dial = kwargs.get('dial', None) self.linecap = kwargs.get('linecap', None) self.line_width = kwargs.get('line_width', None) self.overshoot = kwargs.get('overshoot', None) self.pivot = kwargs.get('pivot', None) self.point_interval = kwargs.get('point_interval', None) self.point_interval_unit = kwargs.get('point_interval_unit', None) self.point_start = kwargs.get('point_start', None) self.relative_x_value = kwargs.get('relative_x_value', None) self.shadow = kwargs.get('shadow', None) self.wrap = kwargs.get('wrap', None) super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def color_index(self) -> Optional[int]: """When operating in :term:`styled mode`, a specific color index to use for the series, so that its graphic representations are given the class name ``highcharts-color-{n}``. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :rtype: :class:`int <python:int>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._color_index @color_index.setter def color_index(self, value): self._color_index = validators.integer(value, allow_empty = True, minimum = 0) @property def crisp(self) -> Optional[bool]: """If ``True``, each point or column edge is rounded to its nearest pixel in order to render sharp on screen. Defaults to ``True``. .. hint:: In some cases, when there are a lot of densely packed columns, this leads to visible difference in column widths or distance between columns. In these cases, setting ``crisp`` to ``False`` may look better, even though each column is rendered blurry. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._crisp @crisp.setter def crisp(self, value): if value is None: self._crisp = None else: self._crisp = bool(value) @property def dial(self) -> Optional[DialOptions]: """Options for the dial or arrow pointer of the gauge. :rtype: :class:`DialOptions` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._dial @dial.setter @class_sensitive(DialOptions) def dial(self, value): self._dial = value @property def linecap(self) -> Optional[str]: """The SVG value used for the ``stroke-linecap`` and ``stroke-linejoin`` of a line graph. Defaults to ``'round'``, which means that lines are rounded in the ends and bends. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._linecap @linecap.setter def linecap(self, value): self._linecap = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def line_width(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """Pixel width of the graph line. Defaults to ``2``. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._line_width @line_width.setter def line_width(self, value): self._line_width = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True, minimum = 0) @property def overshoot(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """Allow the dial to overshoot the end of the perimeter axis by this many degrees. For example, if this option is set to ``5`` and the gauge axis goes from ``0`` to ``60``, a value of ``100``, or ``1000``, will show ``5`` degrees beyond the end of the axis. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._overshoot @overshoot.setter def overshoot(self, value): self._overshoot = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True, minimum = 0) @property def pivot(self) -> Optional[PivotOptions]: """Options for the pivot or the center point of the gauge. :rtype: :class:`PivotOptions` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._pivot @pivot.setter @class_sensitive(PivotOptions) def pivot(self, value): self._pivot = value @property def point_interval(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """If no x values are given for the points in a series, ``point_interval`` defines the interval of the x values. Defaults to ``1``. For example, if a series contains one value every decade starting from year 0, set ``point_interval`` to ``10``. In true datetime axes, the ``point_interval`` is set in milliseconds. .. hint:: ``point_interval`` can be also be combined with :meth:`point_interval_unit <AreaOptions.point_interval_unit>` to draw irregular time intervals. .. note:: If combined with :meth:`relative_x_value <AreaOptions.relative_x_value>`, an x value can be set on each point, and the ``point_interval`` is added x times to the :meth:`point_start <AreaOptions.point_start>` setting. .. warning:: This options applies to the series data, not the interval of the axis ticks, which is independent. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._point_interval @point_interval.setter def point_interval(self, value): self._point_interval = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True, minimum = 0) @property def point_interval_unit(self) -> Optional[str]: """On datetime series, this allows for setting the :meth:`point_interval <AreaOptions.point_interval>` to irregular time units, day, month, and year. A day is usually the same as 24 hours, but ``point_interval_unit`` also takes the DST crossover into consideration when dealing with local time. Combine this option with :meth:`point_interval <AreaOptions.point_interval>` to draw weeks, quarters, 6 month periods, 10 year periods, etc. .. warning:: This options applies to the series data, not the interval of the axis ticks, which is independent. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._point_interval_unit @point_interval_unit.setter def point_interval_unit(self, value): self._point_interval_unit = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True) @property def point_start(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """If no x values are given for the points in a series, ``point_start`` defines on what value to start. For example, if a series contains one yearly value starting from 1945, set ``point_start`` to ``1945``. Defaults to ``0``. .. note:: If combined with :meth:`relative_x_value <AreaOptions.relative_x_value>`, an x value can be set on each point. The x value from the point options is multiplied by :meth:`point_interval <AreaOptions.point_interval>` and added to ``point_start`` to produce a modified x value. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._point_start @point_start.setter def point_start(self, value): self._point_start = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True) @property def relative_x_value(self) -> Optional[bool]: """When ``True``, X values in the data set are relative to the current :meth:`point_start <AreaOptions.point_start>`, :meth:`point_interval <AreaOptions.point_interval>`, and :meth:`point_interval_unit <AreaOptions.point_interval_unit>` settings. This allows compression of the data for datasets with irregular X values. Defaults to ``False``. The real X values are computed on the formula ``f(x) = ax + b``, where ``a`` is the :meth:`point_interval <AreaOptions.point_interval>` (optionally with a time unit given by :meth:`point_interval_unit <AreaOptions.point_interval_unit>`), and ``b`` is the :meth:`point_start <AreaOptions.point_start>`. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._relative_x_value @relative_x_value.setter def relative_x_value(self, value): if value is None: self._relative_x_value = None else: self._relative_x_value = bool(value) @property def shadow(self) -> Optional[bool | ShadowOptions]: """Configuration for the shadow to apply to the tooltip. Defaults to ``False``. If ``False``, no shadow is applied. :returns: The shadow configuration to apply or a boolean setting which hides the shadow or displays the default shadow. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :class:`ShadowOptions` """ return self._shadow @shadow.setter def shadow(self, value): if isinstance(value, bool): self._shadow = value elif not value: self._shadow = None else: value = validate_types(value, types = ShadowOptions) self._shadow = value @property def wrap(self) -> Optional[bool]: """When ``True``, the dial will wrap around the axes. When wrap is ``False``, the dial stops at 360. Defaults to ``True``. For instance, if ``True`` in a full-range gauge going from ``0`` to ``360``, a value of ``400`` will point to ``40``. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._wrap @wrap.setter def wrap(self, value): if value is None: self._wrap = None else: self._wrap = bool(value) @classmethod def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict): """Convenience method which returns the keyword arguments used to initialize the class from a Highcharts Javascript-compatible :class:`dict <python:dict>` object. :param as_dict: The HighCharts JS compatible :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the object. :type as_dict: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :returns: The keyword arguments that would be used to initialize an instance. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` """ kwargs = { 'accessibility': as_dict.get('accessibility', None), 'allow_point_select': as_dict.get('allowPointSelect', None), 'animation': as_dict.get('animation', None), 'class_name': as_dict.get('className', None), 'clip': as_dict.get('clip', None), 'color': as_dict.get('color', None), 'cursor': as_dict.get('cursor', None), 'custom': as_dict.get('custom', None), 'dash_style': as_dict.get('dashStyle', None), 'data_labels': as_dict.get('dataLabels', None), 'description': as_dict.get('description', None), 'enable_mouse_tracking': as_dict.get('enableMouseTracking', None), 'events': as_dict.get('events', None), 'include_in_data_export': as_dict.get('includeInDataExport', None), 'keys': as_dict.get('keys', None), 'label': as_dict.get('label', None), 'linked_to': as_dict.get('linkedTo', None), 'marker': as_dict.get('marker', None), 'on_point': as_dict.get('onPoint', None), 'opacity': as_dict.get('opacity', None), 'point': as_dict.get('point', None), 'point_description_formatter': as_dict.get('pointDescriptionFormatter', None), 'selected': as_dict.get('selected', None), 'show_checkbox': as_dict.get('showCheckbox', None), 'show_in_legend': as_dict.get('showInLegend', None), 'skip_keyboard_navigation': as_dict.get('skipKeyboardNavigation', None), 'sonification': as_dict.get('sonification', None), 'states': as_dict.get('states', None), 'sticky_tracking': as_dict.get('stickyTracking', None), 'threshold': as_dict.get('threshold', None), 'tooltip': as_dict.get('tooltip', None), 'turbo_threshold': as_dict.get('turboThreshold', None), 'visible': as_dict.get('visible', None), 'color_index': as_dict.get('colorIndex', None), 'crisp': as_dict.get('crisp', None), 'linecap': as_dict.get('linecap', None), 'line_width': as_dict.get('lineWidth', None), 'point_interval': as_dict.get('pointInterval', None), 'point_interval_unit': as_dict.get('pointIntervalUnit', None), 'point_placement': as_dict.get('pointPlacement', None), 'point_start': as_dict.get('pointStart', None), 'relative_x_value': as_dict.get('relativeXValue', None), 'shadow': as_dict.get('shadow', None), 'dial': as_dict.get('dial', None), 'overshoot': as_dict.get('overshoot', None), 'pivot': as_dict.get('pivot', None), 'wrap': as_dict.get('wrap', None) } return kwargs def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict: untrimmed = { 'colorIndex': self.color_index, 'crisp': self.crisp, 'dial': self.dial, 'linecap': self.linecap, 'lineWidth': self.line_width, 'overshoot': self.overshoot, 'pivot': self.pivot, 'pointInterval': self.point_interval, 'pointIntervalUnit': self.point_interval_unit, 'pointStart': self.point_start, 'relativeXValue': self.relative_x_value, 'shadow': self.shadow, 'wrap': self.wrap } parent_as_dict = super()._to_untrimmed_dict(in_cls = in_cls) for key in parent_as_dict: untrimmed[key] = parent_as_dict[key] return untrimmed
[docs]class SolidGaugeOptions(SeriesOptions): """General options to apply to all Solid Gauge series types. A solid gauge is a circular gauge where the value is indicated by a filled arc, and the color of the arc may variate with the value. .. figure:: ../../../_static/solidgauge-example.png :alt: SolidGauge Example Chart :align: center """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._inner_radius = None self._overshoot = None self._radius = None self._rounded = None self.inner_radius = kwargs.get('inner_radius', None) self.overshoot = kwargs.get('overshoot', None) self.radius = kwargs.get('radius', None) self.rounded = kwargs.get('rounded', None) super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def inner_radius(self) -> Optional[str | int | float | Decimal]: """The inner radius for points in a solid gauge. Can be given as a number (pixels) or percentage string. Defaults to ``60``. :rtype: numeric, :class:`str <python:str>`, or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._inner_radius @inner_radius.setter def inner_radius(self, value): if value is None: self._inner_radius = None else: try: value = validators.string(value) if '%' not in value: raise errors.HighchartsValueError('inner_radius expects either a ' 'number or a percentage % string. ' 'No "%" character found.') except TypeError: value = validators.numeric(value, minimum = 0) self._inner_radius = value @property def overshoot(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """Allow the dial to overshoot the end of the perimeter axis by this many degrees. For example, if this option is set to ``5`` and the gauge axis goes from ``0`` to ``60``, a value of ``100``, or ``1000``, will show ``5`` degrees beyond the end of the axis. Defaults to ``0``. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._overshoot @overshoot.setter def overshoot(self, value): self._overshoot = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True, minimum = 0) @property def radius(self) -> Optional[str | int | float | Decimal]: """The outer radius for points in a solid gauge. Can be given as a number (pixels) or percentage string. Defaults to ``100``. :rtype: numeric, :class:`str <python:str>`, or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._radius @radius.setter def radius(self, value): if value is None: self._radius = None else: try: value = validators.string(value) if '%' not in value: raise errors.HighchartsValueError('radius expects either a number or ' 'a percentage string. No "%" ' 'character found.') except TypeError: value = validators.numeric(value, minimum = 0) self._radius = value @property def rounded(self) -> Optional[bool]: """If ``True``, draws rounded edges on the gauge. Defaults to ``False``. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._rounded @rounded.setter def rounded(self, value): if value is None: self._rounded = None else: self._rounded = bool(value) @classmethod def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict): kwargs = { 'accessibility': as_dict.get('accessibility', None), 'allow_point_select': as_dict.get('allowPointSelect', None), 'animation': as_dict.get('animation', None), 'class_name': as_dict.get('className', None), 'clip': as_dict.get('clip', None), 'color': as_dict.get('color', None), 'cursor': as_dict.get('cursor', None), 'custom': as_dict.get('custom', None), 'dash_style': as_dict.get('dashStyle', None), 'data_labels': as_dict.get('dataLabels', None), 'description': as_dict.get('description', None), 'enable_mouse_tracking': as_dict.get('enableMouseTracking', None), 'events': as_dict.get('events', None), 'include_in_data_export': as_dict.get('includeInDataExport', None), 'keys': as_dict.get('keys', None), 'label': as_dict.get('label', None), 'linked_to': as_dict.get('linkedTo', None), 'marker': as_dict.get('marker', None), 'on_point': as_dict.get('onPoint', None), 'opacity': as_dict.get('opacity', None), 'point': as_dict.get('point', None), 'point_description_formatter': as_dict.get('pointDescriptionFormatter', None), 'selected': as_dict.get('selected', None), 'show_checkbox': as_dict.get('showCheckbox', None), 'show_in_legend': as_dict.get('showInLegend', None), 'skip_keyboard_navigation': as_dict.get('skipKeyboardNavigation', None), 'sonification': as_dict.get('sonification', None), 'states': as_dict.get('states', None), 'sticky_tracking': as_dict.get('stickyTracking', None), 'threshold': as_dict.get('threshold', None), 'tooltip': as_dict.get('tooltip', None), 'turbo_threshold': as_dict.get('turboThreshold', None), 'visible': as_dict.get('visible', None), 'animation_limit': as_dict.get('animationLimit', None), 'boost_blending': as_dict.get('boostBlending', None), 'boost_threshold': as_dict.get('boostThreshold', None), 'color_axis': as_dict.get('colorAxis', None), 'color_index': as_dict.get('colorIndex', None), 'color_key': as_dict.get('colorKey', None), 'connect_ends': as_dict.get('connectEnds', None), 'connect_nulls': as_dict.get('connectNulls', None), 'crisp': as_dict.get('crisp', None), 'crop_threshold': as_dict.get('cropThreshold', None), 'data_sorting': as_dict.get('dataSorting', None), 'drag_drop': as_dict.get('dragDrop', None), 'find_nearest_point_by': as_dict.get('findNearestPointBy', None), 'get_extremes_from_all': as_dict.get('getExtremesFromAll', None), 'linecap': as_dict.get('linecap', None), 'line_width': as_dict.get('lineWidth', None), 'negative_color': as_dict.get('negativeColor', None), 'point_interval': as_dict.get('pointInterval', None), 'point_interval_unit': as_dict.get('pointIntervalUnit', None), 'point_placement': as_dict.get('pointPlacement', None), 'point_start': as_dict.get('pointStart', None), 'relative_x_value': as_dict.get('relativeXValue', None), 'shadow': as_dict.get('shadow', None), 'soft_threshold': as_dict.get('softThreshold', None), 'stacking': as_dict.get('stacking', None), 'step': as_dict.get('step', None), 'zone_axis': as_dict.get('zoneAxis', None), 'zones': as_dict.get('zones', None), 'inner_radius': as_dict.get('innerRadius', None), 'overshoot': as_dict.get('overshoot', None), 'radius': as_dict.get('radius', None), 'rounded': as_dict.get('rounded', None) } return kwargs def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict: untrimmed = { 'innerRadius': self.inner_radius, 'overshoot': self.overshoot, 'radius': self.radius, 'rounded': self.rounded } parent_as_dict = super()._to_untrimmed_dict(in_cls = in_cls) for key in parent_as_dict: untrimmed[key] = parent_as_dict[key] return untrimmed